House on Sahoji-st.
This is renovation of a Japanese house built about 100 years ago along the old road in Nara City. A part of the building was remodeled into a sushi bar, and then became a vacant house. By restoring the traditional Machiya design such as louvers, eaves, cedar walls and Kawara roofs, this project was selected as a subsidy for Nara City. We renovated the interior to fit the contemporary living style. On the first floor there is a living and dining kitchen facing the garden, a large back yard and a compact sanitary. The second floor is a multipurpose room with a high ceiling. The sub part attached to them became entrance and steel staircase.
概要 計画/2016-2018 所在地/奈良市 用途/専用住宅 構造規模/木造2F
協働 設計監理/山本嘉寛・三橋香織[yyaa] 構造設計協力/安江一平[ワークショップ] 施工/[青山工務店] 建具金物/[つむぎ商会] 金物/[上手工作所] 撮影/山田圭司郎[YFT,]
助成 歴史的風致形成建造物保存整備事業/[奈良市]
掲載 【Web】TECTURE MAG/2023