Kakko House
This narrow house for a couple and their little child is located in a densely built-up area of Osaka , Japan. The building site is only 3.4×13.0m. To make full use of it, the house is framed in exposed structural steel , coverd with thin fire – resistant adiabatic panels ,and contains six floors with split levels. Lv.1 (basement level) is a bedroom , Lv.2(ground level) is a garage , Lv.3 is for the little girl , Lv.4 is a living space , Lv.5 is a bathroom ,and Lv.6 is a roof terrace. The expanded metal stair connects each floors and spreads the sun light inside. In this house , they are living like birds swinging from branch to branch .

概要 計画|2012-2014 所在地|大阪市旭区 用途|一戸建ての住宅 構造規模|鉄骨造B1F+2F 敷地面積|14坪[45m2] 施工面積|34坪[114m2]
協働 設計監理|山本嘉寛[yyaa] 構造設計監理|[S.Y.U.構造設計室] 施工|[大和建設] カーテン|[fabricscape] 撮影|山田圭司郎[YFT,]
受賞 NISCイソバンドデザインコンテスト 住宅部門賞(2017)
掲載 新建築/受賞記事[新建築社](2017) 木を魅せる住まい[ニューハウス出版社](2016) デザイナーズFILE[カラーズ](2016) Monthly IX Design