南北に細長い矩形敷地を各々4帖半程度になるよう2×4=8つに区画し、ガレージと玄関を兼ねる土間、母の寝間、親子の居間から成る3つの「間」と2つの広縁、キッチン、浴室、サニタリーを、効率的な動線と通風・採光・プライバシーを考慮しながら割り当てます。それらは間口に合わせて設えた「戸 = 間戸」の開閉によってつながり或いは切り離されながら親子の日常を支えます。
Rowhouse in Kikawa
Yodogawa-ku, Osaka City is densely populated with buildings of various sizes and uses, such as condominiums, office buildings, small residences, and stores. Although it is convenient for transportation, it is difficult to secure sunlight, ventilation, and privacy.The client is a man in his 50s and his mother. The townscape of row houses built before World War II was divided and reconstructed over time, and the last remaining unit was the owner's residence. This project was to demolish and reconstruct it.The rectangular site, long and narrow from north to south, was divided into 8 cells (2 x 4 = 8), and a motorcycle garage, a mother's bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, sanitary facilities, and two terraces were allocated according to the lifestyle of two adults. The small cells are connected or disconnected by the opening and closing of sliding doors.The materials used for indoor and outdoor spaces are not unified to mimic transparency or seamlessness, but are chosen for their functional necessity, and even when the sliding doors are open, the interior and exterior remain separate areas. This relationship between room and sliding door reminds us of the traditional Japanese row-house approach.In response to the client's request for a living space with various uses, ventilation, and lighting on a small site, we ended up with a plan that inherited the spatial elements of the previous house. This project may have evoked memories of life in the many row houses that once existed in the area.
概要 計画|2021-2023 所在地|大阪市淀川区 家族構成|男性+お母様 構造規模|木造2階 用途|一戸建ての住宅 敷地面積|22坪[73m2] 延床面積|23坪[81m2] 施工床面積|25坪[110m2]
協働 設計監理|山本嘉寛・大武みなみ[yyaa] 施工|[サンフィールド建築工房] 鉄扉|[徳澤鉄工所] 表札金物|[bowlpond] 撮影|山田圭司郎[YFT,]
掲載 Architizer(US/featured)|2024 architecturephoto|2024 アーキテクトビルダー[新建新聞社]|2024